Frequently Asked Questions

We will open the tools that you can use to create your courses/events and sell tickets in September 2023. Please update your best possible profile for now to start engaging with users and prepare your courses/events contents. This will give you a head start once these tools are available in September. We will start promoting the creatives on Joylists in September to give you exposure. We will try our best to support you so please be patient with us.
Whenever someone books your class, you will receive an email with the booker’s username on Joylists. You can also see in your dashboard on Joylists the list of participants who book your courses/events.
Due to privacy law, we cannot reveal the email addresses of users to you. We are working on the chat function where you can chat with the users directly but for now, please update all information on the class/event description on Joylists (public information).
Please update the link when you create your courses/events and the links will be automatically shared with users.
There will be a dashboard on your profile where you can see this information.
Classes: We transfer money to you at the end of the week. Events: One-two working days after the event.
We will transfer to your bank account. Please update your bank information in your profile.
The prices on Joylists must be the same or less than prices offered to individual.
The main profile photo should not have words, personal website, email addresses etc. Use beautiful, high quality photos that reflects your work.
When you sign up to publish your events/classes on Joylists, you agree that we will use your photos/videos etc for promoting you and your offerings.
Joylists is transactional platform. Joylists will not be liable for direct or indirect losses, arising from any injury, illness, damage, loss accident, or expense including consequential loss or economic loss however caused during all classes/events.