Zugey Solares

Mind & Body


Who I am?

Hi! I'm Zu. I'm a certified breath-work and meditation coach. Mentor and somatic guide for women. My mission is to help you find love within yourself 🌷 As a Somatic Trainer, I help people slow down and cultivate self love and awareness through different mindfulness techniques. 


As a Feminine Embodiment trainer, I organise workshops to connect with our inner selves through mind and body awareness with techniques such as breathing, movement and meditation. Classes are also a good place to meet like minded people so we can support each other during life transitions. 

Post of Zugey Solares:

Zugey Solares

08 July 2024

I’m delighted to see that Women Healing Women is a growing reality. Beautiful healing energy has been brought up by amazing groups of women who gather to find love and peace within themselves through diverse holistic techniques: dance, yin-yoga, stretching, meditation, sound healing and journaling. Join us every month to learn different techniques to heal yourself by slowing down and regulating your nervous system. Find me at IG @selflovehealer