Philipp Schwab

Mind & Body


Who I am?



I am Philipp. I have 18+ years of leadership experience in politics, the NGO sector and international business. My experiences vary from a vast range of people, backgrounds, interests, decision-levels and projects.

In 2017 a personal crises of my ego led me to buddhist Zen teachings, which I follow as a student since then. I started to learn about a healthier relation with myself, food that supports me personally, habits but also relationships to family and friends. Overall my life became more deep, fulfilling and menaingful.

This I'd like to share with you.





Several experiences, try-and-learnings and knowledge from variou traditions, but always following in my root the Zen way as well as the deep interest in Zen psychology (Abhidharma) led me to a way of deep findings and some solutions to what happens and matters in life. It made me aware that we all have a specific light in us that, if we bring it to shine, literally enlightens the universe. 

I like to share with you what I have discovered so that you may follow your path.

Additionally I offer face-reading elements as a way to bring you into the awareness of your talents. I also offer team/group-psychology (or in a 1:1 setting for your own help if you feel you need support in your team) systematic understanding to fascilitate a more easy and successful way of group-interactions, may it be on project- or leadership-level. Because sometimes we simply don't know our best position in a team. That we can find out together.

So in a summaray: Zen sharings, healthy habbits to create a better, more free and successful life, face-reading for your talents and team-psychology.