Joshua Marquez-Villeneuve

Video & Photography


Who I am?

Hey, It's Josh! I'm a Videographer living in Frankfurt, with over 7 years of Experience in Video and even more in Photography. I've been trying to focus more on creative endevours now and transition away from Corporate Clients but I still enjoy the work and regularily work with Start-ups building innovative ideas. 

Who am I really? Im an athlete, a chef, and master-of-all trades and a kind and considerate person. If you ask me it might be my greatest downfall trying to please everyone, but I wouldn't have it any other way, even if trying to be positive and reflective on sometimes only the good emotions, I dont have time or the resources in my 30s to be focused on the sad things and times.

Have a look at my website here:


Originally From Canada, I came here with a passion to build up my Videography network and live the "European Way". My background is very diverse and what stands me out is my ability to network and communicate with a wide age range of people from all around. I treat everyone how I would want to be treated, and that is also echoed within my works. 

It's a very competive job, and i've seen too many videographers that try to get ahead of the game and choose to leave kindness at the door when it comes to working with other creatives and I find that really saddening. I do my best every day to bring people together and to broaden my network. 

In my past I had graduated from College with a degree in digital journalism, and shifted into making videos for food and fashion magazines from what employers saw in me. I never stopped making videos and I'm here today to share my skills and abilities and to learn more and more about how the creative process of making a video can be shaped into it's final masterpeice.

Post of Joshua Marquez-Villeneuve:

Joshua Marquez-Villeneuve

18 October 2023

It's been a busy year! Check out some stills from my recent video work! 1. TNP - Expanding offices into Frankurt. 2. UAI Christmas Party - Promoting AI Growth in FFM and the Region. 3. Bahnhofsviertel "Open Viertel" Event - Aimed at revitalising the heart of the city and benefiting local businesses. 4. RabbitFuel - Savoury energy fuel packs for outdoor enthustiasts, specifically TrailRunners.