Poetry & Writing

Music & Voice


Who I am?

My name is Corinne, I am a 24-year old Singer-Songwriter based in Cologne. My artist name is COUCOU.

I am singing since I can remember and have mostly been inspired by Alicia Keys, Lauryn Hill and Adele, when I was younger. Writing texts (short stories or poetry) has always been a passion of mine, but since I couldn't play any instrument back then, it remained poetry.

I used to sing in a gospel choir when I was a child and started busking in the streets of my hometown (Bremen) as a teenager and I really enjoyed it and still are doing it every once in a while. At the age of 15, I started to learn how to play the guitar and add melodies to my lyrics and poetry. I really love and enjoy songwriting as a creative outlet and a way to connect to other people.

I always knew that I wanted to pursue (my own) music but also figured out that I want to keep my music it "easy-going" as possible and not want to pressure myself too much. So, mainly I am studying psychology to hopefully make a living out of it one day and to financially support myself in the process of becoming and being a singer-songwriter. ✨

I recently started to learn how to produce music and hopefully this year, my first self-produced EP will come out.


I have started in the streets of my hometown Bremen and have also been doing some busking in some other citys of Germany, e.g Hamburg, Cologne and Frankfurt. 

In 2021 I moved to Cologne for my studies and I have been singing on Open Mics, smaller stages and other smaller events at least 2 times every month. 

Besides, I started again to sing in a Gospel-Pop-Choir.