Saehee Chang

Cooking & Baking

Music & Voice

+49 1*******

Who I am?

I am a Korean American entrepeneur and creative residing in Nürnberg, Germany since 2019 with my family and our sweet Husky, Momo!  I am happiest when I am by the ocean or a body of water, going to a fun dance or zumba class, cooking delicious Korean food for my family, strolling through art museums,  gardening, watching K-Drama, or making music with people from diverse backgrounds.  I am involved in social justice issues (from the US) and volunteer for refugee support causes in Germany.  

As a foreigner in Germany, I had to overcome my cultural adjustment challenges and focus on my wellbeing in my new life.  Luckily I overcame my difficult adjustment process with the support of professionals and a super supportive and open international community of women.  For me, surrounding myself with a global community keeps me happy and focused on the small but positive things in life. I am still hoping to return to North America one day, and searching for a new city to call home!






I restarted my Korean food business making Kosari Kimchi (which I started in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) and focused on my passion for teaching Korean cooking and traditional Korean Drumming.  

Contact me if you are interested in a Korean Cooking Class especially for businesses and international organizations, focusing on well-being classes, professional development experiences or team building workshops.  I also offer private traditional Korean Drumming Classes or holiday programs for children.  If there is an opportunity in the Frankfurt area, please reach out to me.  You can also find me on instagram, Facebook and LinkedIN.